Anisa Torozi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anisa Torozi)


(1 - 4 von 6

Bush revels in hero's salute - The Denver Post
— “I'm pleased that George Bush has arrived here in Albania,” said Anisa Torozi, 27, an unemployed office worker who carried a small U.S. flag ... › bus...

Bush gets a star’s welcome in Albania – The Mercury News
· “I'm pleased that George Bush has arrived here in Albania,” said Anisa Torozi, 27, an unemployed office worker who carried a small American ...

Bush basks in adoration of Albania - The Toronto Star
— "I'm pleased that George Bush has arrived here in Albania," said Anisa Torozi, 27, an unemployed office worker who carried a small U.S. flag ... › news › b...

Bush gets a warm welcome in Albania - The Boston Globe
"I'm pleased that George Bush has arrived here in Albania," said Anisa Torozi, 27, who carried a small US flag in this city's central Skanderbeg Square. › articles
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