News Benedikt Kammel

(1 - 24 von 78

SKF streicht Stellen wegen Nachfragetief in Europa und Asien - WELT
Der weltgrößte Kugellagerhersteller SKF AB streicht wegen eines Nachfragetiefs aus der Industrie in Westeuropa und Asien insgesamt 400 Stellen. Das teilte das...

VW-Skandal weitet sich aus - Probleme auch bei einem Benzinmotor -...
Die Volkswagen AG hat erstmals auch Unregelmäßigkeiten bei den Abgaswerten von Fahrzeugen mit Benzinmotoren eingeräumt. Wie der Konzern am späten Dienstag...

Sitzhersteller Recaro will in der Business Class expandieren - WELT
Recaro Aircraft Seating konzentriert sich künftig auf die Business Class. Das Unternehmen stellt sich damit der Konkurrenz um den lukrativen vorderen Bereich...

Aeroflot scraps $4.8 billion 787 purchase in Boeing setback | The...
Aeroflot said it scrapped an order for 22 Boeing Co jets worth $4.8 billion at list price, marking a rare setback for the U.S. planemaker in a week in...

HeidelbergCement übertrifft Erwartungen, Zementabsatz steigt - WELT
Die HeidelbergCement AG hat mit ihrem Gewinn im dritten Quartal die Analystenprognosen übertroffen. Der Umsatz wuchs stärker als erwartet.

Bundesregierung will Rückerstattung von Airbus A380-Krediten - WELT
Bundesregierung will Rückerstattung von Airbus A380-Krediten

Kaum Hoffnung auf Überlebende nach Absturz von Germanwings-A WELT
Nach dem Absturz eines Airbus A320 in Südfrankreich besteht kaum Hoffnung auf Überlebende. Sollten tatsächlich alle 154 Insassen der Maschine umgekommen sein,...

AIG to Sell Aircraft Leasing Unit ILFC for $5 Billion
American International Group Inc. agreed to sell the world's second-largest aircraft lessor to AerCap Holdings NV for $5 billion after a group of Chinese

Siemens will bis zu Stellen in Medizintechnik streichen - WELT
In der Medizintechniksparte der deutschen Siemens AG stehen bis zu Stellen auf der Kippe. Die Abteilung soll nach Angaben des Finanzchefs der Siemens-...

Air Berlin cancels $5 billion Boeing order to cut costs
Air Berlin Plc said it's canceling a 33-plane order with Cihicago-based Boeing Co. valued at $5 billion at list prices to reduce investment costs. Dropping the...

Air crashes set year on course to be deadliest since 2005
Three fatal airline crashes in a week mean is shaping up to become the worst year in almost a decade for passenger fatalities.The crash of a McDonnell...

Airbus loses major order as emirates scraps purchase of A350 jet
Airbus Group NV said Emirates canceled its entire order for A350 wide-body aircraft, dealing a blow to the program that’s months away from commercial entry.

Airbus pledges new engines and stretch version for ailing 380
Airbus Group NV sought to dispel concern that it may ditch the flagship A380, saying it expects to go ahead with plans to give the superjumbo more efficient...

Audi CEO risks being drawn into VW scandal, report says | Automotive...
Audi CEO Rupert Stadler risks being pulled into the emissions crisis that has engulfed parent VW Group for the last year amid a report by a German weekly...

Boeing says grounded 737 Max may resume service this year
Boeing Chief Executive Officer Dennis Muilenburg said he's confident the grounded 737 Max...

Germanwings Airbus A320 Crashes in France; Survivors Unlikely
An Airbus A320 crash in southern France may have claimed the lives of all 150 people on board, in what would be the worst air accident on French soil in

Lacking buyers, Airbus abandons the iconic A380 superjumbo |...
The European plane maker has pulled the plug just 12 years after the double-deck plane entered service.

Lapses at air safety enforcement body in Germany
European aviation agency told Germany last November to remedy situation, claims newspaper

Ryanair increases its earnings outlook
Ryanair predicted it will reach the upper end of its earnings projection this fiscal year.

Media Moves: Bloomberg News Communications
Robert Wall, previously international editor at Aviation Week, has joined Bloomberg News as a reporter. Based in London and on the European industry team

Your airplane seats may be comfier and smell better in coach cabin of...
At the Aircraft Interiors Expo, exhibitors presented new seats, fabrics, lights, in-flight entertainment systems and creative layout concepts for airplane...

VW woes continue as spotlight turns to petrol powered vehicles -...
As the saying goes, when it rains it pours, which couldn't be more true in the case of VW as new findings show irregularities in petrol powered vehicles.

Volkswagen emissions scandal spreads to petrol cars
Volkswagen said it found faulty emissions readings for the first time in petrol-powered vehicles, widening a scandal that so far had centred on diesel engines.