Bruce Marcus Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bruce Marcus)


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Investigator finds no evidence to back claim Middlebury town workers withheld ...
[Waterbury Republican American] - The office investigated the claim by Bruce Marcus, of Marcus Communications, that officials never were given the mailings that Marcus sent in August

DeAngelis Says First Selectman Should Be A Professional Leader
[Voices] - Bruce Marcus, chief technology officer, Marcus Communications, told the Board of Finance he had also submitted a bid at $1.2 million and had never been

Die letzte Patrone hat ETB verschossen
[] - „Die Lage ist ernst, aber nicht bedrohlich”, findet Jan Teige-lack. „Wir gehen nicht locker damit um, aber wir haben jetzt einen guten Kader, der aufgrund

Gormley Seeks Local Solutions to Financial Crisis' Effects
[Voices] - He said Bruce Marcus was trying to "back door" the process by raising the issue in public. "That's not the way the system works.
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