News Conny Lotze

(1 - 30 von 85
) - Turkey hopes for $10 billion rescue - April 27, 2001
Turkey is set to secure an additional $10 billion rescue package to shore up its economy in return for a finance shake-up. - Student Activism - April 17,
— Conny Lotze, a spokeswoman with the IMF, said that isn't the case. The organization does not condone exploiting laborers, she said, ...

Fondo Monetario Internacional baja a 5,4% el estimado de crecimiento...
La organización internacional se mostró poco optimista respecto al crecimiento de algunos países de Latinoamérica. Economía

Turkey Nears IMF Loan Despite Telecom Board Spat | Al Bawaba
The Turkish government appears to have devised a solution to a controversy over the Turk Telecom board, which could enable the International Monetary

The Daily Star Web Edition Vol. 5 Num 1103
— ... meeting of the executive board on July 9 on the selection process of the managing director," the spokeswoman, Conny Lotze, told AFP. ›

El BCE elige como 'dircom' a Proissl, actual responsable
— Hasta el 31 de diciembre, Thierry Bracke y Conny Lotze, subdirectores de comunicación del BCE, suplirán las funciones de Graeff.

Lenihan Says Ireland Not in Difficulty Funding ItselfBloomberg
— IMF spokeswoman Conny Lotze said the Washington-based fund “doesn't envision that IMF financing will be needed” for Ireland.

El BCE elige como 'dircom' a Wolfgang Proissl, actual
— Hasta el 31 de diciembre, Thierry Bracke y Conny Lotze, subdirectores de comunicación del BCE, suplirán las funciones de Graeff.

El FMI ve una economía global fuerte pero alerta de los emergentes y...
La economía global ha ganado fuerza y crecerá un 3,6 % en y un 3,9 % en 2015, aunque el riesgo en los países emergentes y la baja inflación en lo

Greece in final lap for debt writedown, loan deal
— ... to begin discussions on a new arrangement with the Fund," International Monetary Fund spokeswoman Conny Lotze said in an email to AFP. › news

IMF head says finance crisis to cost $1.3 trillion | Reuters
International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn on Wednesday estimated the overall cost of the global financial crisis has risen to $

globo: Banco de fomento do Brics é alternativa à ordem mundial

— ... e elevar o potencial de financiamento para desenvolvimento e infraestrutura são bem-vindas — disse a porta-voz do FMI, Conny Lotze.

Graeff wechselt von der EZB zu Credit Suisse | Börsen-Zeitung
Die stellvertretenden Leiter der Generaldirektion Kommunikation sind Thierry Bracke und Conny Lotze. Bracke ist derzeit mit der EZB-Strategieüberprüfung ... › konjunktur-politik

Video: Student throws shoe at IMF head | Metro News
A Turkish student threw his shoe at International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn on Thursday as he made a speech to students in...

EZB ernennt Wolfgang Proissl zum Generaldirektor ...
Bis zum 31. Dezember werden Thierry Bracke und Conny Lotze, Stellvertretende Generaldirektoren Kommunikation, die Generaldirektion leiten. Anmerkung

IMF to consider selection process for new chief Monday
... informal meeting of the executive board on July 9 on the selection process of the managing director,' the spokeswoman, Conny Lotze, said.

Greece waits on new loan tranche from EU-IMF — | EU...
"We look forward to being in contact with the new government once it has been formed. Until that time, we have no further comment," IMF spokeswoman Conny Lotze told

IWF-Experten unterstützen 17-Mrd.-Dollar-Kredit für die Ukraine - WELT
Conny Lotze, eine Sprecherin des IWF, wollte auf Nachfrage von Bloomberg keinen Kommentar abgeben. Die Prognose des IWF eines fünfprozentigen Rückgangs der ...

Kunst: Schnell bekannt in der Kunstszene
Mit Lukas Frese aus München präsentiert die Dauner Galerie Augarde ein Talent, das von der nationalen Kunstszene viel beachtet wird. Zu sehen sind seine...

İrlanda'nın yardıma ihtiyacı
İrlanda'nın yardıma ihtiyacı yok. IMF adına açıklama yapan Conny Lotze, "Daha önce de söylediğimiz gibi İrlanda'nın yardıma ihtiyaç duyduğunu düşünmüyoruz.

El FMI defiende que sanear la banca mejorará el flujo de cré
— ... del departamento del Hemisferio Occidental del FMI, y las economistas del FMI Samya Beidas-Strom (i) y Conny Lotze (d) comparecen en la ...

Greece races for double debt deals in last-ditch talks - Yahoo!
"The Greek authorities have requested to begin discussions on a new arrangement with the Fund," International Monetary Fund spokeswoman Conny Lotze said in an email to AFP.

Merkel eyes IMF's Lagarde for EU Commission chief: sources | Reuters
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has asked France whether it would be willing to put forward International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde as president of...

IWF-Medienchefin wechselt zur EZB -
IWF-Medienchefin wechselt zur EZB

IMF head says finance crisis to cost $1.3 trillion
Strauss-Kahn made the remarks at a conference on the economic impact of booming commodity prices, IMF spokeswoman Conny Lotze said.

Loading... Updated every 10 minutes, 24 hours per day. Conny Lotze. Last updated on T08:35+ About this image. sign. Titles... Key Titles and ...

IWF-Experten unterstützen 17-Mrd.-Dollar-Kredit an die Ukraine - WELT
Conny Lotze, eine Sprecherin des IWF, wollte auf Nachfrage von Bloomberg keinen Kommentar abgeben. Bloomberg. 0 Kommentare. KOMMENTARE WERDEN GELADEN ...

Argentine President Menem visits Germany - UPI Archives
President Carlos Menem of Argentina arrived Monday for an official visit largely aimed at securing new loans and investments....

Marcadas diferencias regionales en una Latinoamérica que pierde...
Los menores precios de las materias primas, las condiciones menos favorables en los mercados financieros y los cuellos de botella en algunas cadenas d