News Dominik Zenner

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Tuberculosis made me go blind in just three months – The Sun
Dr Dominik Zenner, head of TB screening at PHE, said: “We need to find people with TB early. We need to raise awareness of the symptoms ...

RKI - Tuberkulose - Vorträge der Tagung "Tuberkulose Aktuell" zum...
Erfolge und Herausforderungen des LTBI Managements bei Migranten, Dr. Dominik Zenner (PDF, 5 MB, Datei ist nicht barrierefrei) Zusatzinformationen Infektionskrankheiten A-Z

Boosting vaccine uptake in East London - - Barts Charity
So, using £325,000 Barts Charity funding, a multidisciplinary research team led by Dr Dominik Zenner, a Senior Clinical Lecturer of Infectious Disease ... › b...

Benefiz-Golfturnier in Curau hilft im Kampf gegen Krebs
— Die ersten Plätze in den Nettoklassen sicherten sich Antonio Nunez, Dominik Zenner und Torsten Böhm. Sie haben sich für eines von drei ... › Lokales › Ostholstein

Evidence from systematic reviews of the literatureDr Dominik Zenner, Consultant Epidemiologist and Head of TB Screening Public Health England (20 minutes ...

TB more likely in postpartum women - Labmate › news › breaking-news
... given that delays in treatment initiation are associated with poorer outcomes for both mothers and their children," said Dominik Zenner, consultant in ...

Diagnosis of tuberculosis is increased in postpartum women |...
The incidence of tuberculosis diagnosis is significantly increased in mothers postpartum, suggesting a potential new population to target for screening,...

New study on TB in migrants to the UK published in The Lancet | UCL...
Dr Dominik Zenner, co-author and Head of TB Screening at Public Health England (UK) adds: “The study provides further evidence about TB ...

Review confirms efficacy, safety of common latent TB › news › online
... Dominik Zenner, MD, from the department of infection and population health at the University College London's Institute for Global Health, ...

Primary care screening could decrease TB cases
Lead author Dr Dominik Zenner, head of the PHE TB screening unit said: 'The PHE researchers suggest a pragmatic solution might be a ...

The Lancet: Migrants screened for active tube | EurekAlert!
Tuberculosis incidence in the UK has declined over the past four years, with fewer numbers of new migrants diagnosed with the disease. A new study, published...

Intercultural Regions: Improving Access to Services - Assembly of...
· Dominik Zenner, Senior Migration Health Advisor, IOM Regional Office for the European Economic Area, the European Union and NATO; Irena ...

Reversing the tide of the UK tuberculosis epidemic - GOV.UK
— Lead author Dr Dominik Zenner, head of the PHE TB screening unit said: While a programme to screen for active tuberculosis before arrival to ... › news › rever...

Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Is Increased in Postpartum Women
“Ours is the first primary care based cohort study to quantify the risk of TB during pregnancy and postpartum,” said Dominik Zenner, degree? consultant in public health