News Evelyn Blumer

(1 - 5 von 5

Breakfast, conversations, and giving - Dakotas Annual Conference of...
MITCHELL, SD – Every Friday morning a group of retired United Methodist clergy, clergy spouses, and others that serve the United Methodist churches of North...

Dakota roots shaped Rueben Job spiritually - Dakotas Annual...
Rueben Job spent the first seventeen years of his life on a farm in North Dakota living in a sod house. This way of life shaped his mind and spirit...

Mitchell AAUW presents awards to DWU students | The Daily Republic
The slate of candidates for two offices was accepted; membership vice president Evelyn Blumer will serve another term and the new secretary ...

29 Jun Advertising - Trove
and Testament dated the 4th of March. Line of the abovenomed deceased may. Line bo granted lo Marjorie Evelyn Blumer. Line

Mitchell AAUW presents awards to DWU students - Mitchell Republic |...
The Mitchell AAUW met at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 28 at Countryside Living with 11 members present: Gladys Baldwin, Ardis Beck, Evelyn Blumer, Linda Farney,...
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Vorname "Evelyn" (12242)
Name "Blumer" (235)