News Francis Schiller

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Francis Schiller, 34, wechselt von Wichmann Communications, Düsseldorf, zur Werbe Agentur Bauer, Köln.Bei seinem neuen Arbeitgeber soll Schiller, der seine Karriere bei Endemol in der Redaktion "Notruf" begann, eine Abteilung TV-PR aufbauen.Schiller machte sich außerdem einen Namen als Autor der Romane "Fernsehland" (1999) und "Nahkampf" (2002).

U.S. TV stations seek compensation in Canada - The Globe and Mail
Coalition asks cable, satellite and Internet TV providers to pay for the right to distribute their signals

Adriatic villa of Josip Broz Tito is for rent. Expensive and...
Adriatic villa "Dalmacija" in the Croatian city of Split is to be offered for long-term rent for years. City authorities would like to...

Burning desires on stage at The Q | The Queanbeyan Age
IT IS GERMANY in the early 1600s, when persecutions for heresy and witchcraft threatened to engulf the whole of Europe in their fury. A young lawyer finds...

Courtroom drama “The Burning” focuses on father and son at the Q |...
MOST theatregoers are well-acquainted with Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” and John Whiting’s “The Devils,” based on a book by Aldous Huxley, but now it’s time...

A fond farewell to long-time Hudson County clergy - › jjournal-news › › a_fond_fa...
· When I was in eighth grade at Holy Rosary School in Jersey City, a newly-ordained priest, Fr. Francis Schiller, came into our class to talk ...

Review: Hollowness of fanaticism in ‘The Burning’ | Canberra CityNews
But in realty the centrestage is given to Francis Schiller, played by the exciting young actor Jack Parker, who adds complex layers to his part.

The Good Doctor Wields a Big Bat : Softball Star Dot Richardson Still › archives › la-xpm s...
· “This young lady has energy beyond my capacity to understand,” said Dr. Francis Schiller, the associate director of the Los Angeles ...