Ghassan Michel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ghassan Michel)


(1 - 4 von 20

Reconciling Libya after Gaddafi - Khaleej Times
What has really divided Libyans during the past seven months has not been tribe, class, culture, ethnicity or race. In the wake of the recent bloody eve...

Kerry must forge ahead, undeterred - Winnipeg Free Press
The controversy over U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s apartheid remark about Israel has be Analysis - Winnipeg Free Press.

Guardian: The US election as seen through Middle Eastern eyes | World news |...

Arabs are anticipating a Democratic victory on November 4 with enthusiasm tempered by scepticism, writes Ian Black

Letters: Analysis misreads Zionism, history -
Ghassan Michel Rubeiz's analysis of Israel's desire to be recognized as a Jewish state represents a flawed understanding of Zionism and ...
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Person "Michel" (31)
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