News Ghassan Michel

(1 - 19 von 20

Reconciling Libya after Gaddafi - Khaleej Times
What has really divided Libyans during the past seven months has not been tribe, class, culture, ethnicity or race. In the wake of the recent bloody eve...

Kerry must forge ahead, undeterred - Winnipeg Free Press
The controversy over U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s apartheid remark about Israel has be Analysis - Winnipeg Free Press.

Guardian: The US election as seen through Middle Eastern eyes | World news |...

Arabs are anticipating a Democratic victory on November 4 with enthusiasm tempered by scepticism, writes Ian Black

Commentary: Dealing with the onslaught of radical Islam in Iraq
It is not easy to find an immediate solution to the onslaught of radical Islam. A regional approach must be found; Washington can help but not much.

French Corporate - ABIAD*GHASSAN MICHEL/
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Commentary: Israel-Palestine: Peacemaking is hard between...
Nine months of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority have failed. Each side took steps away from diplomacy.

A silver lining in the war on ISIS?
A silver lining in the war on ISIS? By Ghassan Michel Rubeiz | Friday01:16 AM. In the international war on ISIS, a hidden silver lining is emerging: ...

Articles about True Friends - tribunedigital-sunsentinel
True Friends News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about True Friends From The tribunedigital-sunsentinel

Commentary: Three questions about the war on ISIL
The spread of the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIL, raises three inter-related questions.First, should U.

Analysis Misreads Zionism, History
Analysis misreads Zionism, history

Commentary: Is a Jewish state label a deal-breaker?
The promotion of a Jewish state promotes the creation of a parallel Islamic Palestinian state. A region obsessed with political Islam on one side and by...

Commentary: Will Iran nuclear deal survive Congress’ scrutiny?
It may not be easy for U.S. lawmakers to derail the nuclear deal with Iran. The tentative agreement signed on April 2 established strong momentum for the...

In Memoriam
In Memoriam

News & Reviews
Ghassan Michel Rubeiz, Lebanonwire, August 2, ISIS poses a grievous threat to Lebanon. Timothy Jenkins, ConvsevativeHome, July 28,

The Middle East Times - International
Ghassan Michel Rubeiz East Meredith, New York. Hezbollah's militia and the expanding Israeli settlements movement dictate the future of Lebanon and Israel,  ...

Rubeiz: True friends of Israel - tribunedigital-sunsentinel
New York Times columnist Tom Friedman has earned enough moral credit within the Jewish community to speak his mind on Israel. True friends of the Zionist...
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