News Gina Manciati

(1 - 5 von 8

Abusos contra niños migrantes enviados a hogares en EU
Los Ángeles. Las decenas de miles de niños que huían de la violencia en Centroamérica abrumó de tal manera a las autoridades fronterizas estadunidenses, que...

Overwhelmed border agents failed to protect undocumented minors,...
Social workers did not visit the sponsor's one-bedroom apartment before he arrived or check up on him afterward, said Gina Manciati, the boy's ...

AP: Feds Accused Of Placing Migrant Children In Abusive Homes - CBS...
As tens of thousands of children fleeing violence in Central America crossed the border in search of safe harbor, overwhelmed U.S. officials weakened child...

Feds' failures imperil migrant children | News24
As tens of thousands of children fleeing violence in Central America crossed the border in search of safe harbour, overwhelmed US officials' weakened child...

Niños migrantes fueron abusados en hogares temporales
Relajan normas para hogares de protección abrumados por llegada de miles de niños
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