Hassan Hussein Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hassan Hussein)


(1 - 4 von 53

IDLO meets Hassan Hussein Haji, Minister of Justice of SomaliaIDLO - International Development Law Organization |

Hassan Hussein Haji, to discuss his work to strengthen the linkages between formal and informal justice, and to improve alternative dispute ...

Former Somali PM dies of coronavirus in LondonAl Jazeera

— Somalia announces three-day mourning period after Nur Hassan Hussein, celebrated as an influential leader, dies at 83.

Spiegel.de: Profits in the Name of Allah: Sharia Banking Comes to Germany - DER...

Germany's Muslims are finally getting a bank offering financial products that comply with Sharia law. It is a market worth billions, and one that many major...

Taz: Hassan soll abgeschoben werden: Vielen Dank. Und tschüss - taz.de

Der Iraker Hassan Hussein hat einen Handtaschenräuber gestellt. Dafür hat er viel Anerkennung erfahren. Doch heute läuft seine Duldung ab, ihm droht die...
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