News Ines Thiele

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Keiner ist allein
Sich wohlfühlen in den eigenen vier Wänden, selbstbestimmt leben in netter Nachbarschaft und jederzeit Hilfe bekommen, wenn man sie benötigt – möglich ist das...

'Ines THIELE' in Luxembourg (Europe) |
Ines Thiele, researcher at the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) at the University of Luxembourg has been selected for the ...

HOCHZEITEN HUDE: Drei Paare trauen sich am
HUDE/KOS - Wie bereits am 8. August oder am 9. September erlebten auch gestern landauf landab die Standesämter einen Ansturm:

Ines Thiele named as EMBO Young Investigator | Grandcentral
Ines Thiele named as EMBO Young Investigator. Associate Prof. Ines Thiele, FNR ATTRACT fellow and head of the Molecular Systems Physiology group ...

Darmbakterien kooperieren, wenn das Leben hart wird •...
Dr. Ines Thiele, Leiterin der LCSB-Gruppe „Molecular Systems Physiology“, Arbeitsgruppe: „In Rahmen meiner Doktorarbeit habe ich auf der Basis von ...

International consortium builds 'Google Map' | EurekAlert!
Building on earlier pioneering work by researchers at the University of California, San Diego, an international consortium of university researchers has...

Open database encapsulates worldwide knowledge of human metabolism
Ines Thiele, head of the LCSB Molecular Systems Physiology group. Thiele and her team together with project partners from France, the ...

Meet Harvey and Harvetta: The virtual humans shaking up...
APC Microbiome Ireland has developed whole-body com…tional models to further propel research into personalized medicine.

Digital microbes for munching yourself health | EurekAlert!
· Dr. Ines Thiele, head of the "Molecular Systems Physiology" group, ... of bacterial metabolic models," says Ines Thiele: "It allows the ...

Metabolic modelling becomes three-dimensional | EurekAlert!
· Ines Thiele, head of the Molecular Systems Physiology group at the LCSB of the University of Luxembourg and an ATTRACT fellow of the ...