News Jian Feng

(1 - 14 von 17

Chinese verklagt Ehefrau: Baby war ihm zu hässlich!
Ehemann Jian Feng heiratete seine Frau nach eigenen Angaben aus Liebe. Doch nach der Geburt der Tochter begann es in der Ehe zu kriseln. "Unsere Tochter war so unglaublich hässlich, dass es mich ...

Hässliches Kind geboren - Mann verklagt Ehefrau • NEWS.AT
China: Ein Mann namens Jian Feng verklagte seine Ehefrau, da diese ein hässliches Kind zur Welt gebracht hatte. Er kam mit der Klage durch!

Un chino denuncia a su esposa por infiel tras tener «una hija fea que...
La mujer deberá pagar dólares a Jian Feng, que alegó en el juicio que su esposa era tan fea que se sometió a varias operaciones de cirugía estética con...

20 Minuten Online: Werdegang eines Hoax: Die unendliche Geschichte der hässlichen...

Einmal mehr geistert die Geschichte des Chinesen Jian Feng im Netz. Der Mann soll seine Ehefrau angeklagt haben, weil sie ihre Schönheitschirurgien...

Sheng jian feng yun: Ähnliche Filme -
Entdecke die 20 ähnliche Filme zum Film Sheng jian feng yun von Chi-Hwa Chen mit Yi Chang, Chen Chin Hai, wie z.B. Tiger & Dragon, Karate Bomber, The Prisoner,...

Man sues wife for being ugly.... and wins £75k payout - Mirror Online
Jian Feng became suspicious when he saw his baby for the first time - and discovered his wife's good looks were due to plastic surgery

Topic: lol chinks — TinyChan
Northern China resident Jian Feng was married to a pretty girl. Things were going well. They got pregnant, and a baby girl was born. It wasn’t, as it tu...

Jianfeng Chinese Acupuncture in Edinburgh - Edinburgh
Chinese acupuncture. Contact Jianfeng Chinese Acupuncture in Edinburgh Edinburgh 21 Manor Place EH3 7DX Jianfeng Chinese Acupuncture in...

Der Boulevardpresse Thread | Seite 768 | Konsolentreff - Das...
:lol: schweinehässliche Kinder, das gehört in den Funny Thread :D

$2.2M Grant to Develop Method for Early Parkinson's Diagnosis
The University at Buffalo has received a $2.2 million grant to develop a new method for diagnosing Parkinson’s before clinical symptoms are apparent.

Chinese Man Sues Wife for Giving Birth to 'Incredibly Ugly' Child,...
Man accuses his wife of cheating by undergoing plastic surgery which made her appear beautiful.

Chinese man sues his wife for being ugly, and the court AGREES
Jian Feng only took issue with his wife's looks after their 'incredibly ugly' daughter was born. He accused his wife (pictured) of cheating before ...

Chinese man sues wife after ‘ugly’ baby born
Failed relationships can get ugly, but the story of a Chinese man divorcing his wife really gives new meaning to the old cliché.

Chinese man sues wife over ugly child – and wins $120,000 — RT World...
Many people are used to returning merchandise if they find that it doesn't match their needs. But one Chinese man went a step further, and returned his wife –...