News Khalid Zerouali

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Khalid Zerouali - Bio, News, Photos - Washington Times
Latest news and commentary on Khalid Zerouali including photos, videos, quotations, and a biography.

EU leaders reach deal on refugee crisis
· Morocco's director of migration and border surveillance, Khalid Zerouali, told the Associated Press that the kingdom isn't interested in ...

Morocco unveils new migration policy after criticism | Fox News
Morocco on Wednesday announced a new immigration policy, pledging to review cases according to specific criteria, following sharp criticism over its treatment...

Immigration crisis: Spain will give Morocco €30 million to curb...
The funding is on top of the €140 million the EU has pledged to provide the North African country

How Spain looked on as dozens were crushed to death at ...BBC
... and Border Surveillance in Morocco's Interior Ministry, Khalid Zerouali, did speak to Spanish media, and defended the actions of Moroccan officers.

NZZ: Viele schwarzafrikanische Migranten in Marokko sind untergetaucht |...

Migranten aus Schwarzafrika versuchen heute, vor allem von der westafrikanischen Küste aus auf die Kanarischen Inseln zu gelangen, oder sie wählen die Route...

Morocco probes use of speedboats by people smugglers
— Khalid Zerouali, head of immigration and border surveillance at the interior ministry, told AFP that authorities were investigating an ... › moro...

Betalar Marokko for å halde migrantar unna Europa – Vårt Land
Tyrkia er EUs grensevakt i aust. No blar EU opp milliardar for at Marokko skal stoppe ruta vest i Middelhavet. Også Norge yter ein skjerv.

Guardian: Morocco earthquake: hope fades of finding survivors in ...The Guardian

AP — Speaking to CNN, Khalid Zerouali, an official from Morocco's interior ministry, rebuffed questions about whether the king would visit the ...

Actualités Khalid_Zerouali Maroc
Actualités Khalid_Zerouali Maroc. Toute l'actualité Khalid_Zerouali du Maroc et des Marocains à travers le Monde.

Die Schweiz und Marokko verstärken die EJPDEJPD
AP — Staatssekretärin Christine Schraner Burgener und Khalid Zerouali, Direktor für Migration und Grenzüberwachung, haben am 5. September in ...

Mittelmeer: Der Mythos von Spaniens humaner Migrationspolitik - WELT
Mit der Aufnahme der Migranten der „Aquarius“ demonstrierte Spaniens Premier Pedro Sánchez Menschlichkeit. Doch das bleibt eine Geste – Spanien führt seine...

Die Wüste will leben - und braucht Geld aus dem Ausland - WELT
Seit Jahrzehnten steckt Marokko in Armut und Unterentwicklung. Jetzt will die Regierung die Misere beenden - als Billigstandort europäischer Konzerne.

Morocco offers autonomy in Western Sahara - Washington Times
It is an arid, sparsely populated part of the world on the Atlantic coast of North Africa. For decades, the Western Sahara has been caught in a tug of war...

El Gobierno insta a Rabat a frenar la emigración irregular | España |...
Más de 400 subsaharianos han llegado a Ceuta y Melilla en mes y medio

Marruecos juega al gato y el ratón con los africanos que se ...Reuters
La gran mayoría llegó a través de Marruecos, que frustró otros intentos de migración ilegal en agosto, dijo a Reuters Khalid Zerouali, director de ...

Khalid Zerouali News | Devdiscourse
Latest News on Khalid Zerouali, Read more information on Khalid Zerouali

Las llegadas en patera caen casi un 20% respecto a | Politica |...
La cooperación de Marruecos contiene la inmigración irregular, pero el país magrebí ya ha advertido de que la ayuda europea no es suficiente

Khalid Zerouali - Morocco Latest News
› tag

Morocco says it prevented attempts at irregular ...
— Morocco spends more than it receives,” said Khalid Zerouali, director of the Moroccan migration and border surveillance services, ... › morocc...

Morocco plays cat and mouse with Africans headed to Europe | Reuters
African emigrants are defying a campaign by Morocco to keep them away from land and sea crossings to Spain, which has become the main entry point to Europe for...

M. Khalid Zerouali : Grâce à la Vision Royale, le Maroc a ...2M
AP — Khalid Zerouali : Grâce à la Vision Royale, le Maroc a pu gérer de façon optimale les effets du séisme d'Al Haouz. mercredi 22 novembre

“España siente que la presión migratoria baja, pero en Marruecos...
El director de Migración y Vigilancia de Fronteras marroquí estudia con la UE las contrapartidas para contener los flujos migratorios hacia Europa

Morocco rebuffs EU request to re-admit third-country migrants |...
Morocco has rebuffed a European Union request to take back third-party nationals who reach Europe from the North African kingdom, its interior ministry said on...

Khalid zerouali – USA Breaking News
Amira El Masaiti, Associated Press Updated 2:38 am PDT, Friday, May 17, Khalid Zerouali, director of Migration and Border Surveillance in Morocco's ...

Immigration irrégulière : Après Dakhla, Khalid Zerouali à Nador
Immigration irrégulière : Après Dakhla, Khalid Zerouali à Nador. Après Dakhla le 8 décembre, la lutte contre l’immigration irrégulière a amené Khalid Zerouali...

Nachricht Archive - Seite 20 von FFM-ONLINE
In einem aussergewöhnlichen Interview der spanischen Zeitung „El Diario“ gibt Khalid Zerouali, Chef der marokkanischen Grenz- und Migrationsbehörden, wichtige Details preis. Dix 12. August August Europa, FFM-Texte [ab 2019], Interview, Marokko, Migration …

Khalid zerouali – TechNews
Aritz Parra, Associated Press Updated 2:24 am, Friday, June 29, window._taboola = window._taboola || []; _taboola.push({ mode: 'thumbnails-c', container: ...

EU leaders claim breakthrough deal on migrants - Los Angeles Times
The agreement aims to bolster the bloc's external borders and ease pressure on point-of-entry nations like Greece and Italy

Fight against migration: Morocco wants more help from the EU ...
— Khalid Zerouali. Credit: MAP In an interview granted to the Spanish press agency EFE, Khalid Zerouali, wali-director of migration and border ... › Fi...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Khalid Zerouali
Person "Zerouali" (1)
Vorname "Khalid" (2200)
Name "Zerouali" (37)