Kirsch Michael Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kirsch Michael)


Wehr in Mattstedt eng verbunden mit Niederroßla
[Thüringer Allgemeine] - Mitglieder der Feuerwehr Mattstedt : Andreas Agthe , Andreas Schuchert , ALexander Gläser, Sarah Hänchen , Michael Breuer , Chris Hüttenrauch , Markus Hoppe , Benjamin Kirsch, Michael Kirsch, Heinz Kott , Tobias Scheler , Günther Schubert , Marcel

Michael Kirsch becomes CEO of Porsche China, Porsche …
Web15 Feb · Kirsch has been CEO of Porsche Japan since He previously held the same position at Porsche Korea for three years. Between and 2016, he gained a …
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