News Lisa Palmieri

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Italy’s kingmaker-clown Beppe Grillo causes alarm with anti-Semitic...
A Rome-based American journalist and a longtime observer of Italian society, Lisa Palmieri-Billig, also noted a strong racist and anti-Semitic ...

Bishop mourns Latin decree as Jews ask for clarity | Reuters
A decree by Pope Benedict allowing priests to say the old Latin Mass more frequently has drawn criticism within Catholic and Jewish ranks, with one Italian...

Zeitungstitel zu Gaza 2010
, JPo, Lisa Palmieri-billig, "Colosseum lights shut for Schalit ...

AJC at Pope Francis' First Audience for Jewish Leaders
ROME, June 24, PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --An AJC senior leadership delegation participated today in Pope Francis' first audience with representatives of...

Abgelehnt und ausgegrenzt | Jüdische Allgemeine
Warum immer mehr nichtreligiöse Juden den Gemeinden den Rücken kehren

Italy Honors AJC's David Harris
ROME, July 11, PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini decorated AJC Executive Director David Harris with the Ufficiale...

Catholics Pray for Jews Conversion, by Lisa Palmieri Billig,...
By Lisa Palmieri-Billig Jerusalem Post April 4, Vatican spokesman: Good ...

Assemblea Focolari: un cammino di unità che si vede | Movimento dei...
Am Nachmittag des 18. September Treffen der Generalversammlung mit guten Freunden, die sich mit der Bewegung auf den Weg zu einer weltweiten...

Carmel Athletic Trainer’s Job Saved After Outrage
Carmel Athletic Trainer's Job Saved After Outrage

Not Just Numbers: How Educators Are Using Data in the Classroom |...
For math, Lisa Palmieri, the Head of School at Holy Family Academy (HFA) in Pittsburgh, Penn., loves the learning analytics available from the ...

Christianity and Judaism - La Stampa
<span id="U yrm">Lisa Palmieri-Billig*</span> Pubblicato il 26 Giugno Ultima modifica 02 Luglio :07. In recent ...

"Jesus was a Jew: widespread rejection of an obvious truth" - La...
A comment by Lisa Palmieri-Billig, AJC's Representative in Italy and Liaison to the Holy See

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