News Lisa Ringe

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3. Platz im diesjährigen Vereinspokal - TV Sottrum
DD Ute Wohltmann/ Lisa Ringe 15:7 15:6 Vera Bruns/Nadine Häveker. HE Axel Wohltmann 15:4 15:5 Mirco Bartsch. DE Manuela Renken 15:8 15:0 Nadine Häveker. › news › details › article ›

DWP head denies sanctions and suicide link - Third Force News
Lisa Ringe almost 6 years ago. This is rubbish. There's obviously a link because I tried suicide down to the upset and stress this caused me. › news › dwp-head-...

WANSTEAD: 'Give us CCTV', say estate residents
— Lisa Ringe, 41, of Brading Crescent said: “I was so pleased people are all in favour of the 'villagey feel' that Wanstead has and are proud ... › ...

„Kinder zu begleiten, ist ihre Aufgabe“
Eine ungewöhnliche Musikauswahl hat bei der Verabschiedungsfeier an den BBS Osterholz-Scharmbeck sichtliche Verwirrung gestiftet. 39 Sozialassistenten und ...

Gnarrenburg II holt den Kreisliga-Meistertitel - WESER-KURIER
Knapp aber verdient hat sich die zweite Mannschaft des TSV Gnarrenburg den Meistertitel in der Badminton-Kreisliga Rotenburg Nord gesichert. ...

Gnarrenburg II holt den Kreisliga-Meistertitel
— Der neue Kreisliga-Meister mit (von links) Lisa Ringe, Franziska Thoms, Volker Werner, Ralf Ringe, Daniela Kleen, Thorsten Wülbern, ... › sport

Big Brother housemates decide first Annihilation victim - Big Brother...
It appears that one person has been evicted from the Big Brother house tonight after housemates were instructed to unanimously choose the first victim of...

MK: Killing Time
... Misha would whisper instructions to the leaders, and the message would slowly trickle back to the rear, where Charles found himself along with Lisa Ringe, ...