Michael Klunder Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Klunder)


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Hunt for Kathlynn Shepard continues, suspect Michael Klunder dead -...

A registered … offender suspected in the abduction of two girls as they left a school bus in Dayton, Iowa, was found dead, officials said.

Massive search underway for abducted teen in Iowa - StarTribune.com

A 15-year-old central Iowa girl who was abducted after getting off her school bus was still missing Tuesday, and authorities said a massive search was...

Body Found in River Identified as Missing Iowa Girl Kathlynn...

Iowa Missing Teen Search ContinuesSearchers continue to look for Kathlynn Shepard after suspect Michael Klunder was found dead. June

Opladen: Eloquenter Friedhofsstreifzug

Hans-Erich Hofmann und Rainer Schiefer hatten sich ein halbes Jahr lang vorbereitet. Am Samstag gelang ihnen dann ein Friedhofsrundgang der besonderen Art.
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