News Mike Linnemann

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Guest Post Dispatch: Mike Linnemann's road trip adventure from...
That's what Mike Linnemann and his friends decided to do. Here is his first dispatch from their adventure: ————– I'm Mike Linnemann.

Art Hounds: Station to Station, MinnAnimate, Saul Williams and more |...
Art in tents, train stations and outdoors. Release the Hounds!

Eternal masters roughly one month away, where's the hype (and further...
First, Greg, excellent post.

TEDxUMN | TED, home of TED Talks, is a global initiative about ideas worth spreading via TEDx, The Audacious Project, TED Books, TED Conferences, TED-Ed and more.

Turnaround Effort in Killeen: New Board and Recalled Consulting...
From KWTX, reposted on Facebook by Vive Les Arts Theatre Thursday, the Vive Les Arts Board of Directors announced their officers for Brett...

Thank You | Pollen - Pollen
Mike Linnemann. Amy Litman. Allegra Lockstadt. Tom Loftus. Karen Lu. Rhea Lubich. Bridget Madich. Darshan Maiya. Myrna Marofsky. Molly Matheson Gruen.