Mmaki Jantjies Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mmaki Jantjies)


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Mmaki Jantjies | BMZ
Mmaki Jantjies, Informatikdozentin an der Universität des Westkaps, Südafrika Mma­ki Jant­jies, In­for­ma­tik­do­zen­tin an der Uni­ver­si­tät des West­kaps, Süd­afri­ka Ingenieure sollen es werden – darin waren sich Mmakis Eltern einig.

WEF young global leader, Telkom change-maker – Prof Mmaki...
23. Mai · Computer science professor and Telkom executive, Mmaki Jantjies has been selected as one of the world’s most promising global leaders under the age of 40 by the World Economic Forum. She joins 109 other leaders chosen for including four other South Africans: Sumayya Vally, Lesley Ndlovu, Zuriel Naiker and Esha Mansingh.

Women's Month: Dr Mmaki Jantjies - Jacaranda › news › odd-unusual › wo...
· Mmaki Jantjies became one of the first black South African female PHD computer science graduates in the country at the age of 28.

Dr Mmaki Jantjies |
7, June University of Warwick research: Mobile phone apps can revolutionise school learning in developing countries. no responses. Back to top.
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Vorname "Mmaki" (1)
Name "Jantjies" (7)
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