Nearly There Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nearly There)


(1 - 4 von 34

Iran nuclear talks hit snag over arms embargo - CNNPolitics
"We are nearly there," one Western diplomat said. An Iranian official said whether or not a deal gets struck hinges on the negotiators' appetite ...

COP21: Final push for climate deal amid 'optimism' - BBC News
Negotiators at the Paris climate summit aim to wrap up a global agreement on Saturday with the French hosts

My cancer diary - Another one down, nearly there and all that! -...
Angharad Underwood runs multi award-winning business The Preservation Society from Chepstow where she lives with her two kids and husband Mark. This week...

Guardian: Deal on junior doctors' contracts 'nearly there' after progress in...

Outline of revised contract expected to be published, which will be put to ballot of BMA members
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Name "There" (30)
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