News Nik Aziz

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Malaysia ǀ Korridor nach Mekka — der Freitag
Ein islamisches Sittenbild aus einem tropischen Winkel, der nach westlichem Raster als MALAYSIA : Fundis auf dem Vormarsch - DER SPIEGEL

... ohne Gerichtsurteil einsperren. Vizepremier Abdullah Badawi warf vergangene Woche dem Sohn des PAS-Vorsitzenden Nik Aziz vor,

Race is an Alien Idea in Islam - News | Khaleej › opinion › race-is-an-alien-i...
Likewise, when Muslims openly and abrasively demand special rights and privileges ... To quote Tuan Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat, spiritual leader of the Malaysian ...

Nik Aziz Nik Mat politician: Latest News, Videos and Photos of Nik...
Latest Nik Aziz Nik Mat News, Photos, Blogposts, Videos and Wallpapers. Explore Nik Aziz Nik Mat profile at Times of India.

Frail Nik Aziz skips muktamar – Bernama - Yahoo News ...
Read 'Frail Nik Aziz skips muktamar – Bernama' on Yahoo News Malaysia. PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat (pic) is absent ...

vor 4 Tagen · The late spiritual leader Tuan Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat (a former head of the Pan- Malaysian Islamic Party and a graduate of Darul Uloom ...

Guardian: Malaysia goes Islamic | Maznah Mohamad | The Guardian

Maznah Mohamad: Malaysia has reached a state where it is impossible to distinguish moderates from radicals. Where next?

Nik Aziz backs formation of experts' panel -
KOTA BARU: Pas spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat yesterday welcomed a proposal for the formation of a national-level committee to delve into the...

Malaysischer Muslim-Führer wirbt für Polygamie - Hamburger Abendblatt
Der Chef der muslimischen Pas-Partei in Malaysia, Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, hat muslimische Gelehrte zur Polygamie aufgefordert.

Seite 4 - Frauen im Islam: Welche Chancen hat der islamische...
Der Koran muss historisch ausgelegt werden, dann folgen aus ihm gleiche Rechte der Geschlechter: Theologinnen, die... jetzt Seite 4 lesen

FOCUS: Malaysia: Muslime eröffnen Nachtclubs - FOCUS Online

Die muslimische Regierung im malaysischen Bundesstaat Kelantan will unter Auflagen die Eröffnung von Nachtclubs zulassen.

Für müde Männer: Regierung organisiert Schlaflied-Wettbewerb
Staatsminister Nik Aziz Nik Mat ist sich sicher: "Das ist wichtig. Wenn der Mann müde nach Hause kommt und seine Frau für ihn singt, kann er ...

Can Malaysia's opposition survive without Anwar Ibrahim? - BBC News
With charismatic leader Anwar Ibrahim behind bars, what does the future hold for the three-party opposition alliance he held together, asks the BBC's Jennifer...

Family thank Najib for visiting Nik Aziz – › family-thank-najib-visiting-ni...
· On Thursday, Najib during his one-day visit to the state spent about 10 minutes with Nik Aziz, accompanied by Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk ...

As Pakatan chasm grows, Kit Siang pines for Nik Aziz | Malaysia |...
Lim Kit Siang said pointed out that Nik Aziz (right) had repeatedly ... party of Nik Aziz's refusal to entertain co-operation with Umno as well as his ...

PAS' Nik Aziz dead? - Yahoo News Malaysia
But the 83-year-old's Twitter account administrator just minutes ago posted on Nik Aziz's Twitter account, @nikabdulaziz, saying the rumour ...

Late Nik Aziz did little for Kelantan, Ibrahim Ali says | Malaysia |...
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 13 ― As the nation mourns the passing of PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali today...

'Big sin' to invoke Nik Aziz's name while with another party, son says
assembly to sever ties with then Pakatan Rakyat (PR) partner ...

Kit Siang: Emulate late Karpal, Nik Aziz as great icons for ...
DAP's Lim Kit Siang said he wanted Karpal Singh (pic) and Nik Aziz to be the example for all Malaysians to promote harmony, goodwill and ...

On his death bed, Nik Aziz said to 'continue' with hudud ...
On his death bed, Nik Aziz said to 'continue' with hudud dream, ... by the popular business radio station where she was seen criticising the PAS ...

Is Nik Aziz’s son being sidelined?
Sources close to PAS say that the son of the late Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat has been sidelined by Kelantan Deputy Menteri Besar Mohd Amar ...

Exit's that way, PAS sec-gen tells Nik Aziz's eldest son
KUALA LUMPUR, April 18 — Lifetime member Nik Omar Nik Abdul Aziz can leave PAS if he no longer believes in the party's ideology, ...

Nik Aziz's son guns for PAS Youth chief post
FREE He announces his candidacy after 'mulling over a number of factors'.

The simple life of Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat
› ...

Nik Aziz,Islamic leader - The Hawk Eye
› story › news ›