Peter Gibson Person-Info 

( Ich bin Peter Gibson)


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CASA investigates Jetstar maintenance breach
[ABC Online] - CASA's Peter Gibson has confirmed they are investigating. "We need to understand how they came to make those mistakes," he said. "We'll be reviewing the actions that Jetstar have taken in relation to the maintenance inspections on their aircraft

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[大纪元] - 这家监管机构发言人吉布生(Peter Gibson)表示,上周稍晚捷星向CASA通报错过例行检修一事,并将于接下来几天进行检测。 吉布生告诉法新社:“他们已向我们详细简报所发生的事及接下来要做什么。我们当然确信不会有严重

Bitter row at July star's end
[Independent Online] - Peter Gibson, CEO of Racing South Africa, said that while the accident involving Big City Life was an unfortunate one, it was unfair for the SPCA to call for an end to horseracing. He said the industry remained important as it contributed significantly

Torture probe dismissed as ‘sham’
[Yorkshire Post] - The Government has published the plans for the Detainee Inquiry – headed by retired barrister and judge Sir Peter Gibson – which will look at claims that security agencies colluded in mistreatment. The inquiry protocols reveal that the heads of MI5 and
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