News Peter Gibson

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CASA investigates Jetstar maintenance breach
[ABC Online] - CASA's Peter Gibson has confirmed they are investigating. "We need to understand how they came to make those mistakes," he said. "We'll be reviewing the actions that Jetstar have taken in relation to the maintenance inspections on their aircraft

Google News: 错过检修 澳民航局调查捷星

[大纪元] - 这家监管机构发言人吉布生(Peter Gibson)表示,上周稍晚捷星向CASA通报错过例行检修一事,并将于接下来几天进行检测。 吉布生告诉法新社:“他们已向我们详细简报所发生的事及接下来要做什么。我们当然确信不会有严重

Bitter row at July star's end
[Independent Online] - Peter Gibson, CEO of Racing South Africa, said that while the accident involving Big City Life was an unfortunate one, it was unfair for the SPCA to call for an end to horseracing. He said the industry remained important as it contributed significantly

Torture probe dismissed as ‘sham’
[Yorkshire Post] - The Government has published the plans for the Detainee Inquiry – headed by retired barrister and judge Sir Peter Gibson – which will look at claims that security agencies colluded in mistreatment. The inquiry protocols reveal that the heads of MI5 and

Public evidence for spy chiefs
[BBC News] - Sir Peter Gibson, the inquiry chairman, will look at claims that security agencies colluded in the mistreatment. Civil liberties groups say the inquiry will fail to uncover the truth about allegations of rendition and torture. The Detainee Inquiry was

Google News: Tiger Airways hentikan penjualan tiket di Australia

[Radio Australia] - Namun jurubicara CASA, Peter Gibson, tadi pagi mengatakan bahwa perpanjangan larangan terbang pesawat Tiger mungkin akan diumumkan dalam waktu dua hari. "Kami mengerti bahwa di dalam melarang penerbangan oleh Tiger kami telah menyebabkan gangguan bagi

Tiger stops selling flights
[3AW (blog)] - The Civil Aviation safety authority will decide in the next two days if it will extend the grounding of Tiger Airways. CASA spokesman Peter Gibson says the decision will depend on the progress of discussions with Tiger. Any extension beyond the initial

Tiger wird mit Flugverbot belegt
[] - Behördensprecher Peter Gibson sagte, seit März seien einige dahingehende Forderungen an Tiger Airways gestellt worden. Das Problem wurde durch zwei schwere Zwischenfälle im Juni verschärft, dabei sei laut Aussagen des australischen Regulators

CASA warns travellers to be wary of Tiger
[ABC Online] - PETER GIBSON: We'll sit down and go through the concerns that we've got with the latest incidents and also discussions about the broader safety concerns that the Civil Aviation Safety Authority has had with Tiger for some time. ALISON CALDWELL: Can you

Google News: Austrálie zakázala domácí lety Tiger Airways

[Letectví.cz] - V poslední době se však objevily další události, které posílily obavy o bezpečnost provozu, dodal mluvčí CASA Peter Gibson. Úřad se proto raději rozhodl zastavit lety společnosti a pokud to bude nutné, může se obrátit na soud, aby prodloužil zákaz letů

Readers win Chronicle's Amsterdam cruise
[ChronicleLive] - Unemployed father-of-seven Peter Gibson said winning the weekend mini cruise, which includes breakfasts and evening meals was “great”. “I read the Chronicle every day and this was the first time I've entered anything like this,” said Mr Gibson, 44

official guidance for questioning suspects held by foreign powers is unlawful.
[BBC News] - The prime minister has asked Sir Peter Gibson, a retired judge, to look into allegations of complicity and rendition - but the scope of the inquiry is not yet clear. The Metropolitan Police are still investigating allegations of complicity in torture

Big as all creation
[Philadelphia Inquirer] - Roadsworth, also known as Peter Gibson of Montreal, began painting the streets of his hometown in His street designs began as a campaign for more bike paths in the city, but Gibson continued to stencil the streets until he was arrested for his

Google News: Rallying call to raise standard of elderly care

[Croydon Advertiser] - The call for concerted action has come from Peter Gibson of the Croydon Unite union's retired members group, who is chairing a public meeting on the crisis in care next month. The meeting, organised by Unite and Croydon Trade Union Council

Road artist paints town streets
[BBC News] - Peter Gibson, better known as Roadsworth, has been compared with Bansky. He began painting the streets of Montreal to highlight the need for more cycle lanes in the city. His latest project has been to create a series of paintings on the Main Street in

Guardian: Secret memorandum reveal Britain's involvement in rendition

[The Guardian] - "The government's reliance on these separate arrangements to justify excluding detainee transfers from the remit of Sir Peter Gibson's inquiry is flawed. They cannot give the public confidence that we have got to the bottom of UK involvement in

Oroville of Long ago
[Mercury-Register] - I've been told that the apartment next to our upper bridge was donated to the Masonic Lodge and Demolay of Oroville by Peter Gibson, a well-known Oroville man and veteran who served his country all over the world. The trail goes from Bridge Street down

Reanudan vuelos en Australia tras despeje de cenizas
[] - "Hay posiblemente alguna esperanza de que el jueves comencemos a volver a lo normal", dijo el portavoz de la Autoridad de Seguridad de Aviación Civil, Peter Gibson. La mayoría de las compañías internacionales continuaban con sus vuelos hacia y desde

Ash cloud hits Australia flights, seen clearing
[Reuters] - "There's possibly some hope that Thursday will start to return to normal," said Civil Aviation Safety Authority spokesman Peter Gibson. The majority of international carriers continued flights to and from Australia on Wednesday, with airlines including

Google News: Taming a troubled tummy

[] - Now Shepherd and gastroenterologist Dr Peter Gibson, Professor of Medicine at Monash University, have produced a book - The Food Intolerance Management Plan - to help people with IBS and/or intolerances to gluten, lactose and fructose to tame their

火山灰又殺到多家機場關閉 料最長持續兩天 十多萬乘客受影響
[香港新浪網] - 民航安全署發言人吉遜(Peter Gibson)昨天說,他希望屆時火山灰能消散。 「現在全國各地有數以萬計的乘客受到打擾。」 維珍航空公司說,單是它取消的一百七十趟國內班機,就影響到一萬二千人。從下午一點鐘開始,它就停止所有從坎培拉起飛的班機,從下午四點開始,它在麥

Aerodromes' safety audit takes off
[ABC Online] - Peter Gibson from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority says residents in the Pilbara, Gascoyne and Kimberley may notice uncommon flying patterns while the audit is being conducted. "There'll be some low flying to check the flight paths at the various

Google News: Cinzas do vulcão chileno provocam o caos aéreo na Austrália

[Pú] - O porta-voz da autoridade nacional australiana para a Segurança na Aviação Civil, Peter Gibson, estimou já que centenas de milhares de passageiros serão afectados em todo o país. Estima-se que o cancelamento de voos domésticos da Virgin venha a afectar


[The Leader Newspaper Online] - There were two knock-out games completed today and Bill Parsons and Ron Steele beat Bob Edwards and Peter Gibson on the last hole and Tim Harrison beat Keith Tickner, the football card was won by Steve Cliffe who kindly donated his winnings to Jenny's

Google News: Suns' long road to Launceston

[] - Civil Aviation Safety Authority spokesman Peter Gibson said the diversion had nothing to do with the volcanic ash cloud. He said the cloud had largely dissipated over Tasmania, but was unable to shed further light on the issue.

Dick Smith laments ash cloud no-fly zones
[ABC Online] - Civil Aviation Safety Authority spokesman Peter Gibson says flight disruptions will continue for some days, with Tasmania likely to feel the effects of the Perth ash cloud later in the week. Mr Smith says the airlines that have cancelled flights are

Helpline replaces axed advice centre
[Fleetwood Today] - Councillor Peter Gibson, Leader of Wyre Council, said: “We have always recognised the value of the service provided by the CAB, we just needed to reach a point where we were sure our residents got value for money. “We have agreed to support this new

Shock as police stations facing axe
[Blackpool Gazette] - Leader of Wyre Council, Coun Peter Gibson said decisions had clearly already been made. He said: “This consultation, which should have been carried out weeks ago, is a ticking the box exercise. I'm furious, there are 21 front counters to close

Digging in to launch £1m gardens revamp
[Fleetwood Today] - Pictured with Doreen and the ceremonial spade are Leader of Wyre Borough Council Peter Gibson, and the Mayor and Mayoress of Wyre David and Glenice Bannister. THE transformation of the Marine Hall's gardens has officially started after a sod cutting Schlupflöcher für Folter | Telepolis

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