Marion Petry-Floyd Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marion Petry-Floyd)


(1 - 4 von 19

Judge to hear Bolar's sentencing appeal - Washington Times
A former Gretna City Council member serving 17 years for extorting cash from his constituents has persuaded a federal judge to hear his arguments that he was...

Werner Heitz - Todesanzeigen - Mannheimer Morgen - Trauerportal...
2016 Deine Familie Elfriede Heitz Dr. Marion Petry mit Sandra und Lara Astrid Finck mit Joschka und Katharina Stefan Greiling Familie Hehmann mit Thorben und Ingmar ...

Death notice for Francis Marion Floyd. -
Clipping found in Boonville Standard in Boonville, Indiana on Sep 15, Death notice for Francis Marion Floyd.

Marion Floyd
of Kingwood passed away March 19, he was 95 and a WWII veteran. Arrangements were...
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