Daranee Petsod Person-Info 

( Ich bin Daranee Petsod)


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Census Time to Act (Webinar) | Washington Regional Association...

Join us to learn more about options for you and your organization to take policy action on the federal/state/local levels, and coordinate with your nonprofit...

All In for All of Us: A Public-Private Fund for Undocumented ...ncg.org › news › all-all-us-public-private-fund-undocumented-immigrants

May 1, · Daranee Petsod: This fund came into being because funders saw inequities and joined forces to respond to them.Missing: Deutsches Heer" May 1, · Daranee Petsod: This fund came into being because funders saw inequities and joined forces to respond to them. Missing: Deutsches Heer"

Census Time to Act | Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia

Daranee Petsod, President of Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR). How to Register/RSVP: Please CLICK HERE to register.

A Critical Time for Philanthropy’s Voice to Be Heard | Philanthropy...

If there were ever a time for philanthropy to speak with a strong voice on the issues and values it cares about, now is the time. Whenever there is a new...
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Deutsches Heer
Vorname "Daranee" (5)
Name "Petsod" (1)
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