News Philippe Vassilopoulos

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L'ouverture totale du marché est prévue pour | Les › › 07
— Analysant l'exemple britannique, les universitaires Jean-Marie Chevalier et Philippe Vassilopoulos estiment que si le processus a été ...

Netzengpassmanagement: C/sells und enera testen erstmals › aktuelles › nachrichten › detailseite › netzengpassmanage...
... und stellt sie den Netzbetreibern auf effiziente Weise zur Verfügung“, erklärte Philippe Vassilopoulos, Director Product Development der EPEX SPOT.

5th Annual Energy Cross-Border Trading And Balancing › iwe-event
Philippe Vassilopoulos. 14:40 CASE STUDY | Cross-border risk hedging opportunities. What type of volatility will we see in the spot energy ...

Epex Spot signs German bottleneck project contract
The Paris-based Epex Spot exchange has signed a contract with Oldenburg-based regional utility EWE, formalising its collaboration on a local power grid...

Erster Deal für Verteilnetzflexibilität bei Enera - energate...
Darunter wird es aber zu aufwendig und kleinteilig", sagte Philippe Vassilopoulos, Direktor Produktentwicklung bei der Strombörse Epex Spot, ...

7th Annual Energy Cross-Border Trading and Balancing Market › events
Philippe Vassilopoulos. Director of Product Development. EPEX SPOT. Hélène Robaye. Regulation & Market Design. Engie. Stefan Janson.

4th Energy Day Foire du Valais "The Future of Hydropower" - EPFL
... Mr. Olivier Dumas, President CREM; Electricity market in Europe and the impact on hydropower in Switzerland, Philippe Vassilopoulos, Head Product Design ...

Collaborating to Decarbonize the Future | MIT Energy Initiative
— Philippe Vassilopoulos, head of product design at EPEX Spot, presents during a panel on energy markets. Throughout a discussion on designing ...

Intelligenztest für das Stromnetz der Zukunft | Bayernwerk AG
Netzbetreiber und Unternehmen der Energiebranche haben erfolgreich das intelligente Stromnetz der Zukunft getestet: Bundesweit zum ersten Mal haben sie über...

Epex Spot : Local Flexibility markets improve grid efficiency, but...
Press Release Local Flexibility markets improve grid efficiency, but are exposed to regulatory challenges...

Новости сырьервых рынков | Argus
Последние новости и комментарии о мировых товарно-сырьевых рынках, включая рынки нефти, нефтепродуктов, угля и др.

The mathematics of energy systems - Isaac Newton Institute
The rapid advance of renewable generation brings fundamental interdisciplinary research challenges. On shorter timescales there are increasing problems of...

Power System Flexibility Expert Workshop - Event - IEA
Power System Flexibility Expert Workshop - Event listed by the International Energy Agency

Wasserkraft: Produktionsflexibilität besser aufwerten durch...
· ... hob Dr. Philippe Vassilopoulos, Head of Product Design bei EPEX SPOT, kürzlich bei einer Konferenz in Martinach hervor.

"Cooperation with Speedwell is a quantum leap in risk management" › news ›
— Philippe Vassilopoulos: "Epex power prices and Speedwell modelled wind generation data create a unique index package". (Image: Epex Spot).

PhD Candidate shares his experience of the Energy Economics › news-events › phd-candidat...
— Day 4.1: Wholesale power markets and price formation mechanisms – Philippe VASSILOPOULOS (EPEX). This turned out to be the most interesting ...

We cannot have a RES-powered world without system flexibility |...
— Philippe Vassilopoulos from EPEX Spot presented the first local trade of flexibility, which took place in Germany on the 4 February