Roberta Vaughan Owen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Roberta Vaughan Owen)


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Proceeds of Crime case dropped against Colwyn Bay fraud ...WalesOnline
— At an earlier hearing, scheming Andrea and Roberta Vaughan-Owen were described as more “Laurel and Hardy” than Bonnie and Clyde by a defence QC.

Sisters 'profit from inept benefits civil servants'The Telegraph
Roberta Vaughan-Owen once worked for North Wales Police. Both sisters deny furnishing false information by submitting a claim for a VAT refund of £

Sisters at centre of massive fraud jailedMirror
— Andrea, 42, and Roberta Vaughan-Owen, 37, netted £120,000 from benefits, mortgage and tax frauds. The sisters, who denied fraud, ...

Fraud sisters jailed after £161m case...Introducer Today
Speaking after sentencing, Simon De Kayne, assistant director at HMRC, said: “Andrea and Roberta Vaughan Owen lived the type of lifestyle that most people ...
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Andrea Vaughan
Vorname "Vaughan" (80)
Name "Owen" (4528)
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