News Roland Wald

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Guardian: The greatest kibitzer of all time | Bridge | The Guardian

Roland Wald selects a hand from the White House Junior Tournament

Roland Wald | Weekendavisen
Bridge. Danmark har mistet sin største personlighed inden for international bridge.

TITANIC | Das endgültige Satiremagazin | Online
Etwas überraschend auch die Einsendung von Roland Wald aus München: "Da ich außer TITANIC kein anderes Abo habe, bin ich aus meinem Fußballverein ...

Bridge - The Scotsman | The Scotsman
Thursday’s puzzle...

BBO News
Mr Vugraph Coordinator moves to London Walddk is Roland Wald, best known as BBO's Vugraph Coordinator. He's the guy who cajoles and entices experts around the world

Guidelines for Commentators - BBO Discussion Forums
Below is a message I received from Roland Wald, which I think many might be interested in, so I'm posting here (with permission). I'm tremen