News Said Bonakdar

(1 - 15 von 17

Women activists won't take manspreading sitting
— “It is perfectly possible to sit comfortably on public transport without taking up two seats by spreading your legs,” said Bonakdar, 25.

Berlin activists show 'manspreaders' who wears the trousersDeccan Herald
— "It is perfectly possible to sit comfortably on public transport without taking up two seats by spreading your legs," said Bonakdar, 25.

Berlin activists show manspreaders Yahoo News Singapore
— "It is perfectly possible to sit comfortably on public transport without taking up two seats by spreading your legs," said Bonakdar, 25. › berlin...

Künstliche Intelligenz: Fraunhofer und HGH starten ...Harburg-aktuell
— Per Live-Stream war Said Bonakdar vom Fraunhofer Institut dazugeschaltet. Unter andere ging es dabei um die Frage der Chancen und Risiken im ...

Gaming Standards Association Appoints Senior Director
The challenge is exciting as the industry is experiencing the benefits of open standards," said Bonakdar. "The gaming industry is constantly ...

Schüler lernen mehr über Künstliche Intelligenz in ...Delmenhorster Kreisblatt
— Said Bonakdar vom Frauenhoferinstitut erklärt ausgewählten MINT-Schülerinnen und Schülern Neuronale Netze.

Die Freude am Lernen wird zum Diskussionsthema
„Schulstress – nein danke! Freude am Lernen“, so lautet das Thema eines Informations- und Diskussionsabends am Waderner Hochwaldgymnasium am kommenden Montag,...

Informationsabend befasst sich mit Schulstress
„Schulstress – nein danke! Freude am Lernen“, so lautet das Thema eines Informations- und Diskussionsabends am Waderner Hochwaldgymnasium an diesem Montag,

Berlin Activists Show Manspreaders Who Wears The ...Barron's
— "It is perfectly possible to sit comfortably on public transport without taking up two seats by spreading your legs," said Bonakdar, 25.

Eltern fragen Experten: Kind gegen Corona impfen lassen?
— Said Bonakdar, standen Rede und Antwort, berichteten von ihren Erfahrungen. Und zerstreuten Sorgen. Die meisten Eltern seien bereits „sehr gut ... › ... › Saarbrücken

Eighth annual Big Island Chocolate Festival April
— “These are our future chefs, and we want to make sure that they get excited about what they do,” said Bonakdar. › ...

Healthy lifestyle can boost brain powerThe San Diego Union-Tribune
— “If we don't get adequate deep sleep, the memories we capture during that day get erased,” said Bonakdar, noting that the worst thing a ...

OPTX to partner with Jake's 58 Casino HotelGaming America
— ... us to access and analyze data efficiently and easily and take timely action to optimize our customer experience efforts," said Bonakdar.

center Trade Int'l into turn to Island Kish says
— Monday on said Bonakdar feasibility as well as preliminary said he IRNA, to Speaking .region the in hub trade a such create to conducted ...