News Sherif Mansour

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Yemen Press Reader 374: - Jemenkrieg-Mosaik Yemen ...
Jan 07, · “Despite promises of reform and moderation from Saudi Arabia’s emerging leadership, it is clear from Saleh al-Shehi’s arrest that repression as usual continues,” Sherif Mansour, CPJ’s ...

Nach zwei Tagen in deutscher Haft: Ahmed Mansour wieder frei
Sherif Mansour, Koordinator für Nahost und Nordafrika des „Committee to Protect Journalists“, verlangte gegenüber Al-Jazeera von Kairo,

Report: 4 journalists detained in Iran - CNN
their immediate release," said Sherif Mansour, its Middle East ...

Taz: Inhaftierter Iran-Korrespondent: Unklare Vorwürfe -

Sherif Mansour ist beim Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), einer NGO zum Schutz der Pressefreiheit, für den Mittleren Osten und Nordafrika zuständig. Auch er kennt den Fall von Jason ...

Egyptian leaders of journalists syndicate protest prison sentence |...
Facebook Twitter Google+ Linkedin Pinterest Delicious ... CPJ Middle East and North Africa programme coordinator Sherif Mansour said.

Washington Post reporter from Marin detained in Iran – The Mercury...
According to the LinkedIn page, Jason Rezaian attended Marin ... of these four,” Sherif Mansour, the committee's program coordinator for the ...

Egypt investigates Reuters journalists over report linking police to...
Egyptian authorities filed a police report against Reuters after the news agency reported last week that police detained an Italian student the night he...

Sherif-Mansour News | Latest News on Sherif-Mansour - Times of India
Check out for the latest news on Sherif-Mansour along with Sherif-Mansour live news at Times of India

Al Qaeda-affiliated website targets Arab Christians in Canada | The...
Sherif Mansour said he found out he was named on the website when intelligence officials called him. "They asked me, 'are you afraid?

Canada's Coptic Christians ask for protection in wake of Egypt...
Plea comes as ancient Christian sect prepares for orthodox Christmas celebrations

Sherif Mansour gehört der Presserechts-NGO Committee to Protect Journalists an, die sich unter anderem für Journalistinnen und Journalsiten im Iran einsetzt ...

Guardian: Tehran court jails three Iranian journalists for spreading propaganda...

Press freedom groups condemn sentencing of trio who work for outlets sympathetic to Rouhani administration

Tourism hashtag #ThisisEgypt hijacked to highlight 'oppression and...
An attempt by Egyptian authorities to use social media to lure tourists has backfired badly

Prozess gegen internationale und ägyptische NGOs fortgeführt,...
Sherif Mansour, Mitarbeiter der US-amerikanischen NGO "Freedom House", kehrte im vergangenen Juni zurück nach Ägypten, um an den ...

CPJ's Sherif Mansour Looks at Egypt's Crackdown on ...International Republican Institute
— In Egypt, A Muzzled Media as the Military Vilifies Journalists The Washington Post By Sherif Mansour Egyptian authorities said last week ...

Türkei lässt Kurdenkonflikt wieder eskalieren - Politik -
Mehr als 200 Aufständische soll das türkische Militär in den vergangenen zwei Wochen getötet haben. Das hilft der …miliz IS.

Auslandskorrespondenten in Ägypten werden unter Druck gesetzt
„Pressefreiheit in Ägypten hat einen Tiefpunkt erreicht“, urteilt Sherif Mansour, Nahost-Koordinator des „Komitees zum Schutz von Journalisten“.

Ägypten: Jagd auf kritische Journalisten - Politik - Stuttgarter...
In Ägypten werden unliebsame Berichterstatter immer öfter angegriffen, verhaftet oder sogar gezielt getötet. Die Machthaber am Nil wollen keine unabhängigen...

Blog: Yemen Press Reader 96: ǀ Krieg im Jemen: Neue Artikel zum...
Hintergrundartikel zu Huthis und südl. Separatisten - Gallup-Umfrage - Reise nach Saada - Wassermangel - Bettelnde Kinder - Waffenhandel - Moderne Bomben -...

Taz: Reporter in Syrien: Journalisten leben gefährlich -

Sherif Mansour gibt allerdings zu Bedenken: „Dass immer weniger Berichterstatter nach Syrien reisen, ist eine willkommene Belohnung für diejenigen dort, die die Menschenrechte mit Füßen ...

Sherif Mansour: Latest News, Videos and Photos of Sherif › topic
Sherif Mansour News: Latest and Breaking News on Sherif Mansour. Explore Sherif Mansour profile at Times of India for photos, videos and latest news of Sherif ...

Iran jails four journalists on security charges - BBC News
A media advocacy group condemns the sentencing by a court in Iran of four reformist journalists to between five and 10 years in prison.

Sudanese authorities detain Reuters, AFP reporters in Khartoum |...
Sudanese authorities have detained a Reuters stringer and an AFP reporter who were covering protests in the capital Khartoum, the country's external...

Guardian: Washington Post's Tehran reporter and three other journalists...

Jason Rezaian, his wife who works for a UAE-based newspaper, and two American photojournalists detained in unknown location

Blog: Yemen Press Reader 316: ǀ Jemenkrieg-Mosaik Yemen War...
Katar, Islah-Partei und Saudi Arabien – Washington Post wäscht USA rein – Emirat. Foltergefängnisse im Jemen – Hadhramaut –Armut und Wirtschaft im Krieg –...

Taz: Journalist über Medien in Iran: „Besorgniserregende Berichte“

— Journalist*innen in Iran werden zensiert, verhaftet, gefoltert. Sherif Mansour von der Presserechts-NGO CPJ fordert internationale ... › Gesellschaft › Medien

Egyptians Say Their Media is 'Shameful', but the Real Shame is...
Instead of criticizing media outlets themselves, perhaps a better hashtag would be #el-Sisi’s_Media_Crackdown_is_Shameful .

Iran on track to kill more than 1,000 this year, UN expert reports |...
Iran is on track to execute more than 1,000 people in 2015, according to a scathing report from a United Nations analyst studying the rogue nation's actions.

Mauritanian blogger's death sentence upheld - BBC News
An appeal court in Mauritania upholds the death sentence of a blogger convicted of apostasy, but refers his case to the Supreme Court.