Stephen Pimbley Person-Info 

( Ich bin Stephen Pimbley)


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Meet the architect set to transform Wollongong CBD | Bendigo...
NSW: Singapore-based British architect Stephen Pimbley is set to turn his talents to an infamous Wollongong block of land.

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Meet the architect set to transform Wollongong CBD | St George &...
NSW: Singapore-based British architect Stephen Pimbley is set to turn his talents to an infamous Wollongong block of land.

Guardian: Alsop Architects forced into receivership by financial crisis › oct › urba...

... as Alsop & Partners with Alsop, fellow architect Stephen Pimbley, a new managing director, Colin Gilmore-Merchant, and investors in control.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Stephen Pimbley
Vorname "Stephen" (9320)
Name "Pimbley" (6)
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