News Ursula Houser

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la Repubblica/fatti: 'Guaritelo e poi lo ammazziamo'
Era stato lui a rapire e violentare due donne, Sonia Reed e Ursula Houser. Era stato lui ad ammazzare anche un bimbo, Danny Osentowsky, portato via in un ...

Jury finds Kelly sane enough to die - UPI Archives
A northern California jury has found that convicted triple-…er Horace Kelly is sane enough to be executed. The Marin County Superior Court panel...

Death Row Case Raises Questions | AP News
Two of his victims, Sonia Reed and Ursula Houser, were found on San Bernardino streets, shot to death and … from the waist down.

Doctor Depicts … as Aware / Marin jury is told death row inmate...

Doctor Depicts … as Aware / Marin jury is told death row inmate knows what's...

Inmate's Death Sentence Fought - Los Angeles Times
Riverside County judge is asked to spare a 46-year-old who … a boy and two women in but whose lawyers say is mentally retarded.

…'s Retardation Claim Is Denied - Los Angeles Times
Riverside County judge upholds death sentence of a man who shot a boy in His case now goes to state's high court.

Kelly Knows He Faces Execution, Doctor Says - Los Angeles Times
Courts: Prosecution expert says triple … is also aware why he is on death row. Her description differs sharply from those of ….

Witness Hopes to Heal Scars by Watching …'s Death / Horror in...

Witness Hopes to Heal Scars by Watching …'s Death / Horror in still brings...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ursula Houser
Vorname "Ursula" (36656)
Name "Houser" (472)