News Valerie Jäger

(1 - 23 von 24

Gastrolle bei "Verbotene Liebe": Liz Baffoe als schöne Intrigantin
Das Schauspieler-Team der ARD- Soap ' Verbotene Liebe' bekommt attraktive Verstärkung. Die ehemalige ' Lindenstraße'-Schauspielerin Liz Baffoe wird für 18

Verbotene Liebe - NDR FS NDS |
Marlene hat Rebecca allein in der Orangerie gefunden, lässt keine Widerrede gelten und entführt sie doch noch auf die No Limits-Eröffnungsparty. Zum Ende der...

Two more measles cases in Toronto, 1 in Niagara Region | The Star
Dr. Valerie Jaeger, medical officer of health for Niagara Region, said the girl is Niagara's second case and had not been vaccinated against the ...

Measles case spurs Niagara region to schedule vaccination clinics -...
Woman is in hospital recovering from her infection, public-health spokesperson says

Das Erste / Schöne Intrigantin für die Glamour Soap: Liz Baffoe für...
Juni im Ersten - die Gastrolle der Journalistin Valerie Jäger. Die ältere Schwester von Designerin Sonja Jäger (gespielt von Pia Ampaw-Fried) ist viel in der

"Verbotene Liebe": Liz Baffoe kommt zu Besuch - Vierwöchiger ...
Die frühere "Lindenstraße"-Darstellerin übernimmt die Gastrolle der Journalistin Valerie Jäger. In Düsseldorf besucht die als skrupellos umschriebene Valerie ihre ältere Schwester Sonja (Pia Ampaw-Fried), die im Atelier von ...

Three more confirmed measles cases in Ontario - The Globe and Mail
Total now sits at 10

Dr. Valerie Jaeger | Food Safety News
Dr. Valerie Jaeger. Niagara Area Reports Big Benefits From Mandatory Food Safety Training. By News Desk | June 4, Training is costly and regulations ...

"Mary" aus der "Lindenstraße" besucht ARD-Soap "Verbotene Liebe"
Bereits seit 17 Jahren hält sich die ARD-Soap

Ein erfolgreiches Osterwochenende beim Blauen Band der Spree
Egal ob Jung oder Junggeblieben, Wiederholungstäter oder bisher nur Fluchtwagenfahrer, dancepoint-Urgestein oder Frischling... ab auf's Parkett und schwingen...

Gemeinde Bargfeld-Stegen online: Sommerferienprogramm für Kinder...
Gemeinde Bargfeld-Stegen online

Dr Valerie Jaeger | Rotary Club of St. Catharines
United Way invests in 65 local programs and special initiatives including Afterschool Programs for Youth. Through community consultations and research, UW ...

Valerie Jaeger: Municipalities like Lincoln have role to play in...
As a certain U.S president recently discovered, health care is complicated. And though it’s not traditionally considered the realm of lower tier...

‘Fully expect’ more measles cases: medical officer of health
Dr. Valerie Jaeger says prevention with vaccination is key

Breastfeeding efforts earn ‘baby-friendly’ designation
Example of public health at its best, says Dr. Valerie Jaeger

A case of the measles found in Niagara | CBC News
"Our phones have been ringing off the hook," said Dr. Valerie Jaeger, local medical officer of health, who added that doctors have also been ...

Niagara working to combat opioid crisis in Canada
Niagara is preparing to deal with the opioid crisis that has impacted most of the country.

Niagara's Medical Officer of Health is retiring
Niagara's Medical Officer of Health is retiring.

Social media platforms creating jobs
Stamford Innovation Center Operations Manager Sarah Robinson and Creative Director Valerie...

Work on opioids crisis strategy proceeding: region
‘Every life in Niagara is precious,’ says Medical Officer of Health Dr. Valerie Jaeger

Top doc stresses teamwork
Dr. Valerie Jaeger Niagara’s new medical officer of health

Schöne Intrigantin in Glamour Soap: Liz Baffoe Gaststar in der...
Schöne Verstärkung für die