Anton Zuykov Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anton Zuykov)


How Airbus can kill the Boeing Leeham News and Analysis
[Edited for violation of Reader Comment rules] the 808 does not exist and boeing is not even talking about a “808”. Reply. Anton Zuykov May

Would You Have Arrested This Customer For Making a Deposit?
Most banks don't have their customers arrested for making a deposit, but one bank's strict adherence to policies resulted in a public outcry.

Вблизи Горловки бойцы АТО зажали военных РФ в “котле”
Хохлодебилы самые дебильные в мире дебилы. Ответить - Поделиться Спрятать ответы ∧. Anton Zuykov. 1 год 11 месяцев назад.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Anton Zuykov
Vorname "Anton" (20301)
Name "Zuykov" (1)
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