Edward Snowden und Moscow Person-Info 

( Ich bin Edward Snowden)
(1 - 23 von 36

I’m trapped in Russia and life is hard, says Edward Snowden | World |...

The American whistleblower Edward Snowden says that he feels trapped in Russia, with life in Moscow having been complicated by his ...

Runner-Up: Edward Snowden The Dark Prophet | TIME.com

To avoid surveillance, the first four Americans to visit Edward Snowden in Moscow carried no cell phones or laptops. They flew coach on Delta from Washington...

Edward Snowden

MOSCOW (AP) — Former U.S. security contractor Edward Snowden has been granted permanent residency in Russia, his lawyer said Thursday.

Anna Chapman ordered to seduce Edward Snowden, claims defector |...

Ex-KGB agent Boris Karpichkov alleged that a plan was launched for Anna Chapman to keep Edward Snowden in Moscow - so the Russians could continue to question...