Elvis Costello und Concert Person-Info 

( Ich bin Elvis Costello)
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Concert Review: Gathering of the Vibes dials up the heat and smoke

[SoundSpike] - But like last year's insertion of Primus into an otherwise typical jam band lineup, Vibes founder Ken Hays upped the ante this year with a genius move of booking Elvis Costello back-to-back with Jane's Addiction to close out the festivities on Saturday

Ticket Tracker: Concert announcements, ticket on-sale dates

[Florida Times-Union] - Elvis Costello and the Imposters, Wednesday, Sept. 21, at the Florida Theatre. $ $ On sale at 10 am today. Mac Miller, with Pac Div and Casey Veggies, 8 pm Wednesday, Nov. 23, at the Florida Theatre. $ On sale at 10 am today.

Google News: Updated: Innsbrook Elvis Costello Show Rescheduled

[Richmond.com] - Tonight's concert with Elvis Costello and The Imposters has been canceled. Apparently, even with all the will in the world, and despite the fact that his aim was true, illness will keep Costello and band away from Richmond.

At Minneapolis concert, Elvis Costello's aim was true but his voice...

His State Theatre show was as disappointing as last year's Northrop gig was satisfying.