John McCusker und Scottish Person-Info 

( Ich bin John McCusker)
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Guardian: John McCusker: Hello, Goodbye review – rare and classy solo › music › apr › john-mccusk...

· John McCusker John McCusker celebrates his 25th anniversary as a professional musician with a rare solo outing. The Scottish multi- ...

Emily Smith leads way for Scottish folk bonanza
New albums from Scottish folk musicians – including Emily Smith, Fiona Hunter, Duncan Chisholm and Eddi Reader - are bursting with joy and talent

Kris Drever - ABC Radio National
Black Water is one of the more eagerly anticipated debut solo albums from a Scottish artist. Regular listeners may fondly remember the trio, Fine Friday. Kris...

From: Sue Cavendish ...
GABY ... Scottish fiddler and producer John McCusker presents a big folk band ...