News Marita Moll

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Lives Lived: Paul I. Roozen, The Globe and Mail
Family man, financial fixer, community builder. Born on Feb. 24, 1924, in Bennebroek, the Netherlands; died on May 3, in Okotoks, Alta., from...

ATA - The history of grading in three minutes - The Alberta ...
Marita Moll. Head of Research and Technology, Canadian Teachers' Federation. Although it seems like they have been around forever, formal testing and ... › Pages

Zehn Jahre Einsatz für bolivianische Kinder
Mit einem Besuch in einem Kinderheim während einer Urlaubsreise hat alles angefangen. Susanne Teusch lernte Ordensschwester Rosario kennen, war von ihrem

Hilfe aus Wittlich für Kinder in Bolivien
WITTLICH. Der gemeinnützige Wittlicher Verein Panuves hilft Kindern in einem Heim in Bolivien.

Standardized Testing—Not as Simple as ABC - › Articles › Pages
Marita Moll. I am waiting my turn at the local hairdressing shop, idly leafing through magazines I only run across in such public reception areas. After checking ...

Is Technology Neutral?
Community was also at the core of the remarks of the second speaker, Marita Moll, educator and member of the Canadian Teacher's Federation. It is a popular belief in