News Brian Ledwidge Flynn

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Brian Ledwidge Flynn on How to Achieve Success | Catalyst
Freelance composer, arranger, label owner and Catalyst Music tutor Brian Ledwidge Flynn shares his success secrets. Dreaming big is easy. At Catalyst, it’s not just a mindset, but a routine – like morning coffee or setting up a drum machine. Like that cheesy hand-holding girlfriend travel meme, your ambition’s been one step ahead wherever you’ve been. Perhaps so familiar that it’s become inseparable with ‘me.’ The hard part? Knowing the whats, hows, wheres and whys to make all ...

Michael Dervan reviews the Printing House Festival of New Music at Printing House, TCD

Reorientation by Brian Ledwidge Flynn Life in Five Movements by Peter Bjuhr 五金行 by Martijn Vanbuel 演出人員: 指揮/黃正銘琵琶/林慧寬竹 ...

REVIEWS – The Irish Times
A selection of reviews from Irish Times writers